
tags: thoughts

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  • Thoughts on Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir  (5 minutes)
    2 March 2024

    This article contains my raw thoughts on the book "Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir.

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  • Unlearning habits and saying bleh to intrusive thoughts  (13 minutes)
    17 December 2023

    Being a human, you gotta do what humans do. You walk, you eat, you communicate. Human stuff.
    You're walking down a street and notice a dog, it's cute. You want to say hi to it, and so you move towards it. It moves towards you. You're both moving towards each other but wait.
    why is the dog barking? why does it look angry? what did I do wrong?
    The dog comes at you faster giving you lesser time to process. The dog knows batman is invincible with prep time, so it removes the prep time.

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  • Random thoughts (2?)  (8 minutes)
    2 November 2023

    Years ago, maybe in 2018 or 19, on a random afternoon outside the college canteen, a friend posed me a simple question that has been on my mind a lot these years. The question was, what if you give it your all, invest unwavering effort, and after all this what if you still fall short of achieving your dream?

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  • Chasing Stars and Chatbots: The Shifting Landscape of Relationships  (12 minutes)
    30 October 2023

    Before the internet, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, human connections were all about good old-fashioned face-to-face encounters. No, not Zoom meetings, but actual in-person gatherings. People built relationships by attending social events where they’d chat, laugh, and occasionally break into spontaneous dance-offs in their well-lit caves and colorful gardens. Friendships were like a well-cooked biryani, simmering over shared experiences, heartfelt conversations, and the occasional handwritten letter or two. Communities were cozy and tight-knit, with neighbors who didn’t need a ‘Follow’ button to show they cared.

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  • Social distancing and The Naked Sun  (4 minutes)
    4 April 2020

    Social distancing is a new and perhaps uncomfortable concept for many of those practicing it due to the pandemic this world is going through today. We are all in different places now; most probably where we didn't expect ourselves to be at this point. We are forced to stay isolated from others in our own hole, yet we are connected to everyone through this fantastic invention of mankind: the internet. In my opinion, being isolated has its own perks and even staying off the internet during this time might do you good but that's not really the topic of discussion right now; maybe some other time.

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