Hello! I'm Mahesh, also known as Light . I enjoy building things and expressing my thoughts through writing. My website is a space for random musings, coding adventures, and various creative pursuits.
Often, when working with Typescript, people tend to go for type assertions to suppress errors. Though that does suppress the immediate error, it is often the case that you're causing yourself a pain by not fixing the underlying issue, and exposing yourself to bugs at runtime. The main advantage of Typescript is the types we define, the more accurate they are to reality the less often you'll encounter type related bugs in production.The rest of this article is about type assertion, non null assertion, and how to avoid it.
So, you've learnt programming? You've made some easy programs? Maybe even made a few bigger projects? It's about time for you guys to start making games. If you don't know programming, I encourage you to use google to look for programming tutorials to learn a beginner friendly language like Python. After you're done with that, come here again.
This tutorial is aimed at people who are `okay` at programming in C and are interested in making games. It's also aimed at people who are bored of their life and want to just read something random which involves an awesome orange demon.